On December 20, 2010, I had the pleasure to speak with veteran chiropractor Dr. Deborah Turner. An Elmhurst native, Dr. Turner talks about her college experiences, the chiropractic profession, as well as balancing a family life with work. She further reveals her proudest professional moments, which included working as a healer at Ground Zero after September 11, 2001. Finally, she offers advice for aspiring college students who wish to enter the chiropractic field.
Dr. Turner Shares her College Experiences

According physiotemple.ca, “I have had the privilege of being a chiropractor for almost twenty years. This December marks my 20th year anniversary of graduation!”
“I was very fortunate to have had a personal experience when I was young and feel like I was directed to become a chiropractor. I enrolled in Nassau Community College for an intensive three year program in pre-chiropractic science, and then attended New York Chiropractic College. I absolutely loved my undergraduate and graduate college experience. I believe that it prepared me well clinically and technically for my profession.”
“The undergrad curriculum for pre-med was the same as pre-chiro. I was introduced to the concept that the body is self-healing and does not need any additional help. It made sense to me. I began chiropractic care and slowly my health began to come back, and I started to know what health was like for the first time in my life. My pains went away, as well as my migraines, allergies, and low blood sugar.”
Dr. Turner Talks About the Chiropractic Profession
“I believe that we get directed to our fields. I think that the chiropractic field chose me. I had planned on becoming an accountant in my senior year of high school. I had a very severe car accident in the winter of my senior year. I was never a very healthy kid to begin with and after the accident I began losing more and more of my health and vitality. I graduated and began attending Queens College and became more ill and had to drop out, unable to finish my first semester.”
Dr. Turner continues, “it got to the point where I was sleeping twelve to fourteen hours a day, always in pain, having many health issues. My mother brought me to various doctors, and no one had any answers. Many tests were performed and they were all negative. The last doctor they brought me to was a psychiatrist, because they said it must be in my head since we cannot find it in your body. He prescribed anti-depressants and tranquilizers. It did not feel right to me in my core.”
“We began to explore vitamins, diet changes, positive thinking and I began to get a little bit better. I wanted to go back to school to become a holistic type of doctor who believes that you cannot separate the body, mind and spirit. The type of doctor that wasn’t readily available at that time.”
“I decided that I should pursue a career in chiropractic, so I sought out a job in a chiropractor’s office to make sure that the commitment was the right choice. I remember walking behind and standing at the front desk the first day and everything clicked. It felt right and I never had a question or a doubt since that day.”
Dr. Turner Discusses Balancing Family and Work
On balancing work and a family life, Dr. Turner remarks “I am still trying to work that one out. I am very obsessive with my work and I am a workaholic. I see it as my mission, talent and destiny. That probably sounds very corny, but I truly love what I do. The day that I no longer love it, is the day I no longer have the right to treat patients. They deserve my best.”
Dr. Turner further adds “I am very blessed to have a wonderful husband and mother who understand passion in one’s work and dedication. One of my goals is to balance my family life more so I can be better for them. I also need to practice what I preach to patients.”
“What I love most about my profession is to watch people’s lives transform as they regain their health and can become who they truly should be. I love serving generations of families and supporting them through the rough times, celebrating the joyous times, and being a stable and positive healing influence in their lives.”
The hardest aspect of her job as a chiropractor involves “balancing the managerial business part and the healing part. It takes a different mindset and energy to run each; furthermore, making sure that the office runs efficiently, profitably and with outstanding service.”

Dr. Turner Shares Proud Moments: Working at Ground Zero After 9/11
My proudest professional moment was “being able to serve as one of the healers at Ground Zero after September 11, 2001. I just felt this inner need to go down and help. It was beyond anything I have ever felt. I went down to the Javits Center and was credentialed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). I was one of many healers, chiropractors and massage therapists, who were stationed at the Javits Center.”
Dr. Turner continues, “I worked there for several weeks after my practice, overnight, and some weekends for about a month. I remember feeling overwhelmed with gratitude that I could help and I was moved to tears when the rescue workers would appreciate us for being there. They were the military, FEMA workers, and search and rescue teams from all over the country. They never once complained about being tired or how hard their job was. It was an honor and a humbling experience to serve some of the greatest people I have ever met.”
Dr. Turner: Advice for Aspiring Chiropractors and Success
For aspiring college students who wish to enter the chiropractic profession, Dr. Turner recommends they “spend time in many chiropractic offices and interview the chiropractors and their patients. They should also make sure that this is a passion and a calling.” For Dr. Debbie Turner, the word success “has many different levels based on where we are in our life. Success to me right now means leaving the office everyday knowing that I did the very best I could to heal and inspire my patients and lead my staff. It means being able to spend time outside of the office to doing what makes me happy to renew my body, mind and spirit.”