What is the Status Code for Server Errors?

What is the Status Code for Server Errors

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response with a unique code for every server errors. When a client requests the server, it starts to reply with a code. In general, the digit in the status code of the server error denotes the five standard classes of response. The codes are three-digit integer in which the first digit of status code specifies the class of response whereas the last two digits aren’t specified with any categorization roles. Visit http://isdown.io for more details. If you are up to learning a status code for server error, you have landed in the right place. The rundown below will pass the light you were searching for.

Code and Description:

Code and Description

• 1XX: Informational

This code refers that the request of the user has been received and the process is going on.
When the server receives part of the request, the client can continue making their request until it isn’t rejected.
101 Switching protocols:
This code pops up when the server switches protocol.

• 2XX: Success

When the action successfully received, understood and accepted, then this code spring up.
200 OK:
When the request is OK.
201 Created:
A new resource is created when the request made gets completed.
202 Accepted:
When the accepted request is in process.
203 Non-Authoritative Information:
The information relies on entity-header isn’t from the original server but a local or third-party copy.
204 No Content:
It is a status code and a header given in response and no entity-body is found in its reply
205 Reset content:
To make an additional input, browser clears the form used for this transaction.
206 Partial content:
The server has started to return its partial data of size requested.

• 3XX: Redirection

When further action must be taken to fulfil the request, this code pop up.
300 Multiple Choices:
It’s a link list. The user has the choice to select a link and go for the location.
301 Moved Permanently:
New URL has been set to the requested page
302 Found:
When the request page moved to a new URL but temporarily
303 See Other:
When the request page found out under different URL.
304 Not Modified:
This code pops up on the response of If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match header when URL is not modified from a specific date.

• 4XX: Client Error

When this code pops up, it refers to incorrect syntax or unable to fulfil.
400 Bad Request:
When the server failed to understand the request.
401 Unauthorized:
When username and password are needed for the requested page.
402 Payment Required:
When you couldn’t use this code yet.
403 Forbidden:
Actions are forbidden
404 Not Found:
A server couldn’t find the requested page.

• 5XX: Server Error

This code refers to when the server couldn’t fulfil a valid request made by the user.
500 Internal Server Error:
The request wasn’t completed and met an unexpected condition.
501 Not Implemented:
A server couldn’t support the required functionality.
502 Bad Gateway:
The server gets an invalid response from the upstream server.
Hope this article cleared your view about the status code of server errors.