When you speak any sentence, it is fully made up of more than one word. Making up word has many ways and those ways are given here so do not waste your time and know the ways and meanings. There are just five ways that really help you to know how to make up a word and they are all given below. The first one is changing a noun into a verb and it is called verbing because every sentence has a noun and verb and it has so many examples so you can surf on the internet for a better result.
The second one is transforming verbs into adjectives. In common words, there is an adjective and verb in a sentence and keep one thing in your mind that without a verb there is no sentence are making. The third one is a do not use connected word and never use before together and the meaning is more than one word is connected in most of the article and this is the easiest and entertaining method to making a new word. The fourth one is adding prefix and suffix and there are a huge variety of prefixes and suffixes and using it for making a word will give such a meaningful word ever. Finally, the fifth one is creating a word you need. It is quite better than making a word from an exciting word. So, these are all the five ways to make a word.
Other ways to make a word:

Already you people know the famous way of making a word and here are some different ways are given and most of them are not aware of this method. Using these tips, you can make a different type of word. The first tip is listening to the things that other people say because when you listen more you can get more knowledge about words. This is because not every people using the same word so when you communicate with others then you can know the different words from them. This is the most underrated tip because no one knows about it but it is such a better tip than other ways to make a new word.
Some interesting things about words:

Not everyone shows their interest in knowing about words. But it is very interesting when you find the way for it. The best way to know every word knowledge is by visiting this thewordmixer.com because this is such a beautiful website with useful content. You can gather unknown facts and even combine any two words you want to make a word. So just visit the site and make use of it. Everyone wants to know about the words that coming from their name but they do not know how to make it possible. It is possible when you use the above-mentioned website. Do not worry about meaning because the word it provides is very meaningful and beautiful. So just make a word by your think and know more about word.